How I deal with Overthinking? A NITK Surathkal student, during asked me on 4th October 2023
Boy, I wasted tremendous amount of my lifetime doing nothing but Overthinking. And I warn YOU of dire consequences, if you indulge yourself in same act.
Year 2013, my ordeal due to Overthinking attained height during my EMBA Essec & Mannheim Business School. I faced my worst fear and my MCT team showed me how much I overthink. It was not easy and I still shudder with those memories.
Read on, if you do not want to suffer any more....
Since, 2013, I took many Actions. Today is another day of ACTION. This post is about how to avoid Overthinking.
Denzel Washington says, "Without Commitment, you will never START. But more importantly, without Consistency, you will never FINISH."
Without clear Purpose, Vision & Mission, we waste our time.
Further, we can characterize them into 2 characteristics:
Overthinking population: Endless loop due to Fear of Failure or Fear of Inaction or Fear of what others will speak of me
Population in Action:
Working Aimlessly: Having many tasks on plate or having too much in mouth to chew
Working Uselessly: Even this is not good. Imagine: with astronomical time, money and effort investment, I (or any organization), develop a state of the art product/solution, which no body wants or care.
Working on Purpose: Aligning your purpose with what world needs matters. You know I am referring to IKIGAI concept.
How does knowing PURPOSE helps?
Scenario 1: You need to take decision and it is not aligned with your Purpose. Say "No"
Scenario 2: You need to take action, which is not aligned with your Purpose. Say "No"
Scenario 3: Gather ALL Visions, Missions, Goals, Tasks, which may bring you towards your Purpose. Prioritize and start taking Actions. Do not hesitate. You will either WIN or LEARN but never FAIL.
Special Thanks for giving me Opportunities or Situations, which led me to grow: Harsha Vardhan Gerald M. Hoppe Tawnya VanGroningen-Wörner Michael Albiez Norman Wahl Zoran Relijc